EIT Urban Mobility Scholarship



EIT Urban Mobility offers generous scholarships to attract top talents worldwide. Our scholarships are merit-based and cover your study duration of two years. They include partial tuition fee waivers and monthly allowances. Please note that our scholarships are open to applicants who are applying to our Master’s programs. Our portal will open again for applications in November.

Other Criteria

Student ranking is based on a total evaluation of the following criteria: Suitability of acquired bachelor degree for intended study program Academic excellence (Quality of home university and study success – GPA) Entrepreneurial excellence and innovative potential There is no separate scholarship application required. When submitting your application to our Master’s programmes, you will be asked whether or not you wish to apply for a scholarship.


Tuition fee waivers and monthly allowances

You must be studying in one of the following countries:

Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and Sweden


February 1

You must be from one of the following countries:


Number of Awards


You must be studying one of the following:



EIT Urban Mobility offers generous scholarships to attract top talents worldwide. Our scholarships are merit-based and cover your study duration of two years. They include partial tuition fee waivers and monthly allowances.

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Scholarships & Grants